Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog #15: conversation

Stressed: /
Unstressed: U

Me: Hi!!

Roommate: HI! How was your day? (Hi-/, How-U, was- /, your- U, day-/) broken up into 5 different parts-

Me: It was good and super busy. I had two clients this morning and I have a 15 hour day tomorrow! How was your day? (it-/, was-U, good-/, and-U, su-/ per-U, bu-/sy-U-8 parts)

RM:  It was long. I worked a full day today and I am weary. Do you just wanna order something for dinner and watch a movie? (it- U, was-/, long-/. I-U worked-/, a-U, full-U, day-/ to-U day-/, and-U, I-U, am-/, wea-/ ry-U)

Me: Yeah! I wanna relax while I can. What were you thinkin? (Yeah-/, I-U, wan-U na-/, re-U lax-/, while-U, I-U, can-U)

RM: well, I have a coupon for Papa Johns… does that sound good? What sounds good to you?(well-U, I-U, have-U, a-U, cou-/ pon-U, for-U, Pa-U pa-U, Johns-/)

Me: I like papa johns! Let’s do that!(I-U, like-U, Pa-U pa-U, Johns-/! Lets-/ do-U, that-/)

While we are waiting for our pizza…

Me: so today, my first client kept me super busy for the whole two hours.(so-U, to-U day-/, my-U, first-/, client-/, kept-/, me-U, su-U per-/, bu-/ sy-U, for-U, the-U, whole-U, two-/, hours-/ ) I went grocery shopping for her, made her Rice Krispy treats, made her pudding, made her bed, did her dishes, and gave her a shower! Then I went to my second client and she had some errands she wanted to run so we did that. And I got the chance to see my advisor and got cleared to sign up for classes.

RM: what classes are you going to take?(what-/, class-/ es-U, are-U, you-U, go-U ing-U, to-/, take-/)

Me: I only have two classes left to take before I can apply to the program. Which are patho and ethics…super fun!(I-U, on-U ly-/, have-/, two-/, class/ es-U, left-/, to-U, take-/, be-U fore-U, I-U, can-/, ap-U ply-/, to-U, the-U, Pro-/ gram-U)

RM: wow! (gets text message). Pete wants to get together with me tonight. (wow-/, Pe-U te-/ want-/ s-/, to-U, get-/, to-/ gether-U, with-U, me-U, to- / night-/)

Me: what are you going to tell him?(what-/, are-U, you-U, go-U ing-U, to-/, tell-U, him-U)

RM:  I’m going to have dinner with you and then see how I feel and go from there (I-U m-U, go-U ing-U, to-/, have-/, din-U ner-U, with-U, you-U, and-U, then-/, see-U, how-/, I-U, feel-U, and-U, go-U, from-U, there-/)

Me: Ok, that sounds good (Ok-/, that-/, sounds-U, go-U od-/)


  1. You used many of the symbols and it looks like it may be using allot of anapest and doctyl. :) it was good!

  2. Uggh! I absolutely hate in home care now, I just couldn't stand it any longer. I applaud you. I have definitely had clients that do that same thing but about ten times worse, if you can imagine that. I used to have a guy that would stand and watch me clean, room to room. I quit that client, too creepy for me.

  3. This whole scansion thing is definitely something that requires lots and lots of practice. Take the first line, for instance:

    Hi! How was your day?

    / / u u /
