Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blog#14: The Pumpkin

The Pumpkin
The rough orange surface just dirty and crowded

Matching leaves on the damp ground  

Monday, October 28, 2013

blog #13: sonnet: To my bed

To my bed
You look so comfy
Yes you do
But I must avoid you
But my homework is bumpy
I’m getting a little grumpy
I want to be glued
 to you
You are so lovely

With two warm blankets
Has its has habits
To have seven pillows
Each with its own purpose
You look like a circus

Lacking your smooth surface

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog #12: Sestina

There are three breaks
First is thanksgiving
Then Christmas
And finally spring
I can get away from school
And work

I love my work
But I need my breaks
To not get burned out with school
Hugs at thanksgiving
Peace during the spring
And tears of joy at Christmas

My favorite holiday, Christmas
I don’t have to worry about work;
It couldn’t come sooner, spring
I need my breaks
My second favorite holiday, thanksgiving
And if I get everything done no school!

While it’s hard, I like school
Family pajamas at Christmas
Turkey at thanksgiving
No work
I need my Breaks
Flowers at spring

A much needed spring
After a cold winter at school
I need my breaks
Clients have their own traditions for Christmas
Clients being related to work
It might snow at Thanksgiving

Thanks are given at thanksgiving
Life during spring
Back to work
Back to school
Gifts are given at Christmas

I need my breaks

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ode to this lonely key

Ode to this lonely key
This lonely key
How it misses thee
 the one
Who is still left in
That mangled truck
 to be released from the ignition
it could not
Forever it will stay
This lonely key
Not often used 
But always
gently gliding over and turning the lock
that held that canopy closed
Smaller than its buddy
and gold in color too
shiny it was at first
now shows signs of its old life
like the wrinkles of an old man
a single circle for her fingers to hold
extending out are the
ridges that are on one side
 instead of two
This lonely key
Still clinging to its ring
Now has a new home
Next to the new one
No longer needed
This lonely key

Mine forever it will be 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Blog #10: Work comparisons

The differences between the bosses in Bartleby, the Scrivener and A&P are very visible to the reader. In Bartleby the boss or narrator, is friendly and cares about his employees. After he fires Bartleby he ends up giving him extra money to cover any other costs he might have. “I owe you twelve dollars on account; here are thirty-two; the odd twenty are yours.” But, he is almost too friendly. Instead of dealing with Bartleby himself he just does the most inconvenient thing he can do for himself which is just packs everything he has and moves the business to another building. While the manager in A&P knows he is in charge and acts that way. “Girls, I don’t want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It’s our policy” The manager has every right to serve who he wants to serve and who he doesn't and he knows he has that power.  The narrator in Bartleby knows he is charge but he doesn't act like he really is in charge the same way the manager does in A&P. The effect of this is because the manager of A&P shows his authority; he may have lost customers and definitely lost an employee. Because the narrator doesn't show his authority he ends up losing the location of his business and one of his employees dies. If the narrator had just dealt with it the ending might have been different.
The interactions between the co-workers are different between the short stories of Bartleby and A&P because for starters there are more than one co-worker in Bartleby than that of A&P hence, more interactions in Bartleby than that of A&P. In both stories there is a description, if you will, of all the co-workers but only in Bartleby there are both descriptions of how they look and a little bit of background. In Bartleby, the characters are straightforward as to what they think of Bartleby. Ginger Nut says “I think, sir, he is a little luny” Nippers says “I think I should kick him out of the office” they are mad that Bartleby isn't doing his job because he “prefers not to”. While in A&P there is really only one other co-worker that the narrator mentions and his name is Stokesie. The interaction between Stokesie and the narrator, Sammy, is friendly. This is totally opposite of how the co-workers interacted with Bartleby. Stokesie plays with Sammy when he says “‘Oh Daddy..I feel so faint.’ ‘Darling, I said Hold me tight’”. The significance of the interactions is the fact that at the end of A&P you get a feeling like “oh man he left his friend to fend for himself against that mean manager” but at the end of Bartleby you get the feeling like he didn't leave anyone behind like his co-workers.
The productivity between Bartleby and A&P isn't as different as they may seem due to the fact that they are different stories.  Both of the main characters, Sammy and Bartleby, don’t really do their job. They both start out by doing something but at the story progresses they don’t do anything.  “A few days after this, Bartleby concluded four lengthy documents” then later when the narrator asks him to do some work he says “I would prefer not to”. In A&P, Sammy starts out by helping a very picky customer “I ring it up again and the customer starts giving me hell. She’s one of these cash-register-watchers..and I know it make her day to trip me up.” Then as the story progresses he starts describing the girls because he is watching them instead of doing his job. This has importance because they feel like they are doing what they want to do instead of what others want to do. In both stories the main characters are not the boss and so they are going against the working  “system” by doing what they want to do and by doing this, they both end up jobless.  

There are differences between Bartleby and A&P through their bosses, their co-workers and the productivity of the workplace.