Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog #18: A Buddy

                A Buddy
On atop of normal hill sits a busy household
Never a dull moment with Buddy
Our Jack Russell Terrier is hyper and cute
Sometimes too hyper
 Greets me every day with his friendly face
And tail wagging with his love
Even if I have only been gone for five minutes
But he is never alone very long
With all the other animals and our busy life at home
Roommate and me
For he was not mine at first, but my roommate’s dog
But I love him as if he was
His home is mine
His playful mood is fun and drives me crazy at the same time
I would like to know what he does all day with his time
For he always has energy
When I walk through that door
He is brown and white
With a hair tattoo of a bone
His floppy ears perk ready to take on the world
As if he was a kid in a large grocery store
I better catch him before
He decides to attack the mailman, just doing his job,

Both of their jobs 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog #16: Does poetry matter?

I believe poetry does matter. Where would we be without it? Poetry is used every day whether we know it or not. From songs that you hear on the radio to that cute poem your sweetheart wrote for you. It’s all around us. When we can’t think of the right words to say poetry can come into play, especially in a movie. Such as in Patch Adams, when he is at his friends funeral and he finishes the poem he didn't finish when she was alive. And in Blind Side, when Michael Orr can’t think of anything to write about and hones in on “The charge of the Light Brigade” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Another would be “The Raven” written by Edgar Allan Poe. This is about Poe’s poetry and how a murder is using those poems to kill certain people.  And of course in our everyday TV shows like Family Guy, when Stewie makes up a poem about a “squiggly line” he sees in his eye. I agree with the fact that people tend to read more literature than poetry. This could be because the newspaper has been replaced with Sudoku puzzles and reporters opinions instead of the facts. Because this has happened I believe that when people hear the word poetry they shudder with dread due to the torture of that one bad English teacher in high school and we never see the true beauty of it. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog #15: conversation

Stressed: /
Unstressed: U

Me: Hi!!

Roommate: HI! How was your day? (Hi-/, How-U, was- /, your- U, day-/) broken up into 5 different parts-

Me: It was good and super busy. I had two clients this morning and I have a 15 hour day tomorrow! How was your day? (it-/, was-U, good-/, and-U, su-/ per-U, bu-/sy-U-8 parts)

RM:  It was long. I worked a full day today and I am weary. Do you just wanna order something for dinner and watch a movie? (it- U, was-/, long-/. I-U worked-/, a-U, full-U, day-/ to-U day-/, and-U, I-U, am-/, wea-/ ry-U)

Me: Yeah! I wanna relax while I can. What were you thinkin? (Yeah-/, I-U, wan-U na-/, re-U lax-/, while-U, I-U, can-U)

RM: well, I have a coupon for Papa Johns… does that sound good? What sounds good to you?(well-U, I-U, have-U, a-U, cou-/ pon-U, for-U, Pa-U pa-U, Johns-/)

Me: I like papa johns! Let’s do that!(I-U, like-U, Pa-U pa-U, Johns-/! Lets-/ do-U, that-/)

While we are waiting for our pizza…

Me: so today, my first client kept me super busy for the whole two hours.(so-U, to-U day-/, my-U, first-/, client-/, kept-/, me-U, su-U per-/, bu-/ sy-U, for-U, the-U, whole-U, two-/, hours-/ ) I went grocery shopping for her, made her Rice Krispy treats, made her pudding, made her bed, did her dishes, and gave her a shower! Then I went to my second client and she had some errands she wanted to run so we did that. And I got the chance to see my advisor and got cleared to sign up for classes.

RM: what classes are you going to take?(what-/, class-/ es-U, are-U, you-U, go-U ing-U, to-/, take-/)

Me: I only have two classes left to take before I can apply to the program. Which are patho and ethics…super fun!(I-U, on-U ly-/, have-/, two-/, class/ es-U, left-/, to-U, take-/, be-U fore-U, I-U, can-/, ap-U ply-/, to-U, the-U, Pro-/ gram-U)

RM: wow! (gets text message). Pete wants to get together with me tonight. (wow-/, Pe-U te-/ want-/ s-/, to-U, get-/, to-/ gether-U, with-U, me-U, to- / night-/)

Me: what are you going to tell him?(what-/, are-U, you-U, go-U ing-U, to-/, tell-U, him-U)

RM:  I’m going to have dinner with you and then see how I feel and go from there (I-U m-U, go-U ing-U, to-/, have-/, din-U ner-U, with-U, you-U, and-U, then-/, see-U, how-/, I-U, feel-U, and-U, go-U, from-U, there-/)

Me: Ok, that sounds good (Ok-/, that-/, sounds-U, go-U od-/)