Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ode to this lonely key

Ode to this lonely key
This lonely key
How it misses thee
 the one
Who is still left in
That mangled truck
 to be released from the ignition
it could not
Forever it will stay
This lonely key
Not often used 
But always
gently gliding over and turning the lock
that held that canopy closed
Smaller than its buddy
and gold in color too
shiny it was at first
now shows signs of its old life
like the wrinkles of an old man
a single circle for her fingers to hold
extending out are the
ridges that are on one side
 instead of two
This lonely key
Still clinging to its ring
Now has a new home
Next to the new one
No longer needed
This lonely key

Mine forever it will be 


  1. It's interesting how there are hints of conflict. When I read "still left in/That mangled truck," I build the story of a speaker who was in a car accident. Of course, that also leads me to question why a speaker would keep a useless key. Is the speaker sentimental? Or just too busy to remove it? Does the speaker keep it to remember a particular event?

  2. I got a picture of maybe divorse and holding on the the key-ring. "still clinging to its ring." Maybe this person didnt want to get a divorse or was forced to? Good poem, I liked it very much, but it made me feel sorry for the lonely key. Nice job.

  3. I enjoyed reading your ode. I would could understand it and it was hard for you to let go of the key when you know that you have a new one. Its still hard to let go of the old one.
