Welcome to working with my 36 year old, paraplegic cousin in
his home. I learned the hard way that
you should never work for family but since you’re of no relation, I should see
no problems as long as you remember these few things. SHOW UP TO WORK ON TIME! This
is a biggie! If you don’t you might just be fired. While you are clocked on
please do your job. If you sit around and do nothing you will be fired, either by
him or his mother. When you get there in
the morning, you have to make his breakfast without waking him up. He has a Rottweiler,
he may look intimidating but really he is just a big teddy bear. You will grow
to love him.
For the morning
shift: First, put food in the dog bowl and make the dog wait ten minutes before
eating. Trust me he will wait. Then, go to the fridge get out one egg, coffee
creamer, orange juice, a bran muffin and the butter. Start by cooking the egg. It
HAS to be over easy. If it isn't it might as well be thrown out because he won’t
eat it. While the egg is cooking start making the oatmeal on the stove. Here is
how he likes it to be done. Make the coffee (or if it is already made, heat it
up in the microwave). Next, heat up the already buttered muffin in the microwave.
When it is all said and done put them in the correct containers, which are here
in this cupboard. Then bring all of this food and put it on his bedside tray in
his bedroom. Don’t forget his pills, located here. Now you can wake him up. While
he is waking up and starting to eat his breakfast, start on the chore list
located in the white binder on the shelf above the microwave. When he is done
with his breakfast you need to collect the dishes and wash them. Next take the
dog out to go potty. He doesn't need a leash but remember the gloves and the
plastic bag.
For the afternoon shift: finish the chore list and take the
dog out potty and fix him lunch and or dinner. Also do everything and anything
he asks. If you find yourself having spare time ask if it ok if you bring a
book or something to do. He may find something for you to do. You may be taking him to doctor’s appointments
and or etc. during this shift. Warning! His
mom will interfere. Let her. It’s for the best. If you fight her on anything you
will be fired. I can assure you of that. Does his mom live with him you ask? No
but she might as well be. Your new client will have his good and bad moments. Don’t
take anything to heart (unless of course you have done something wrong in which
case you need to change). Also, never comment on his personal life. It is none
of your business therefore you shouldn't care what he does or doesn't do. By interfering
in his life will be a loss of your job. Never complain about your life to him
because he won’t care. And neither will his mother.
If you have any problems or questions, please ask. But please don’t ask me because I really don’t
know or therefore care. Trust me when I say I have done this before and the
only good that came out of it was that I learned never to work for family and
it was a good working experience. Good
Do this, no do that, no turn this two inches to the right,no now two centimeters back to the right. I once had a client's mother tell me to dust, I did, she said I missed a spot, I said no I didnt you just sat there and watched me dust it.End result, I got fiered for my insulance. I no longer do in-home-care. You must do everything to a T, no lip and do it over if they say to, like military camp, Do it or get out! I also learned when i was just a kid, never to woek for family either!
ReplyDeleteI suppose one of the challenges to taking care of an individual is making sure that you're pleasing family members. In terms of the imitation, I'd like to see more done in terms of the gossipy look into private life. You missed out on an opportunity when you said, "never comment on his personal life."